Welcome to Grandmaster Jim Brassards Cape Cod Karate Kids in Hyannis

How would you like Your Child to...

👉Get Better Grades??

👉Have Self-Respect and repsect for others??

👉Stay Away from Drugs??

👉Have the strength to do the right thing, even when no one is looking???

👉AND Know How to Protect Themselves Against a Bully or a Predator??

If your answer is YES to these questions, then our school is the answer...We Guarantee It!!! 👍👍👍

 "Mr. Jim's behavior lessons have done wonders for my son.
He shows MUCH more respect for me.
I highly recomend his class to ALL parents."
- Lindsey Gurka

Cape Cod's Best Karate School in Hyannis🥇🥇🥇

Cape Cod Martial Arts Perfects Character

Jim Brassard's Cape Cod Martial Arts will give you the BEST VERSION of your child

It's a fact that children who participate in our martial arts program are More Confident, have better Self-Control and Concentrate Better.

That's why ALL our students receive High Grades at school!!

These rules o
f behavior WORK!!!
Self Control
and Sincerity.

➡️Taught in EVERY Class

It's no wonder millions of parents supplement their Children's Formal Education with the Martial Arts.

We work with the parents to set clear limits for children. We always insist on good behavior during class, at home and in school.

This is done by drilling in every class the Rules of Conduct, Like...
ETIQUETTE: Proper manners, and to "Honor" Mom and Dad at all times.

This rule also means to Respect All Including Themselves, Such as Eating Right, Staying Clean, Exercise Daily, Keeping Room Clean, and.....


"Heroin: Cape Cod, USA" is a 2015 Documentary examining the impact heroin has had on Cape Cod in Massachusetts, following the stories of eight people who are all in their twenties as they battle with their addiction. Some of which lost their lives to it.

Many parents aren't aware of this movie, but it is an epidemic on the Cape. 

IN EVERY CLASS we go over saying NO to drugs & what they will do to you... this lesson will be reinforced over 100 times throughout the year!!!

In OVER 47 years of teaching, none of Grandmaster Brassard's students have EVER touched Drugs!!!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And even when he is old he will not depart from it." - King Solomon, Proverbs 22:6

Along with this lesson we stress the Golden Rule in every class....
Treat Others the Way You Want to be Treated

They will learn our rule of
EFFORT: Always trying hard, perseverance...

This process takes time to learn and many times kids discouraged; it's easy to just give up and quit, but requires Effort to Succeed.

This is were the Parents need to HELP US, and reinforce the principles of Effort.

Albert Einstein once said -"I'm no Smarter then the next guy; I just stuck with the Problem Longer."

And so we teach..."Quitters Never Win, and Winners Never Quit!!!" - Vince Lombardi

This is taught to all students, and that's why our students Excel at whatever they do.

"Mr. Jim is an amazing instructor.

He doesn’t just teach karate but he reinforces the values we teach at home: sincerity, effort, etiquette, self control and character.

Our son has been a student of Mr. Jim’s for the last two years and still looks forward to going to class each week!" -

Cathie & Matt Dillion

Cape Cod Hyannis Martial Arts for Kids

Your Child Will Learn The Power of Perseverance

Parental Myth:

If my child wants to quit activity, it's easier to just give in and let them quit.

TRUTH: Allowing a child to quit an activity (especially an activity that builds the child from the inside out, like Martial Arts) creates a QUIT TRIGGER inside of them.

This trigger goes off any time something becomes challenging.⬅️

Make Martial arts a part of their lives and watch how Successful they become.

Did you know???

That QB Tom Brady was selected with pick 199, in the sixth round of the 2000 draft???

He ran a ridiculously slow 5.28 40-yard dash and only managed a 24.5'' vertical leap.

This is what they said about him then....."Poor build, Skinny, Lacks great physical stature and strength, Lacks mobility and ability to avoid the rush, Lacks a really strong arm, Can't drive the ball downfield, Does not throw a really tight spiral and Gets knocked down easily." 😒

Cape Cod Hyannis Martial Arts for Kids
Cape Cod Hyannis Martial Arts for Kids

The Goat😮

What do you think would have happened if He had a Quit Trigger Inside Him???

Pain & Discouragement are Temporary, Quitting last FOREVER!!!

 The RIGHT Martial Arts instruction will give you the BEST version of your child more than any other activity

👍FACT: Our Students Become the Healthiest, Strongest AND....The Most Accomplished in the Country!!! 

Cape Cod Black Belt Becomes a Navy Helicopter Pilot

Mitch Grant, 2nd Degree Black Belt - Class of 1997

"Mr. Jim, it has been too long since we last spoke--almost 20 years! Life has been good to me. Long story short, I graduated from the United States Naval Academy with an engineering degree. While there I was a division 1 varsity rower.  

Shortly after graduation I attended flight training and have been a navy helicopter pilot since. I have even been to test pilot school and worked as a test pilot for a few years. I am happily married with 3 healthy and wonderful children.

You and your teachings leave a lasting, positive impression on the kids you serve.
Your Martial Arts Training most certainly gave me a Great Foundation for Lif

I don’t think you know how much you and karate influenced me and the trajectory of my life.
Thank you!"
- Mitch Grant,
Black Belt Class of 1994

Cape Cod Hyannis Karate Kids

What Else Happens when your Child Trains with us???

We Improve Their

Our Belt Reward System will improve your Child's Self Esteem MUCH MORE than team sports.

It provides them with a greater sense of accomplishment, so they feel better about themselves. This is an important step for them saying "NO" to Drugs and Crime.

Some years back a mother of one of our Young Brown Belts came to me and asked if she could speak to me alone. I thought to myself, "Oh boy, here comes a complaint."

Nope....she wanted to tell me that her son was asked to do drugs at school this week and that he FLATLY REFUSED.

She told me the training he received at our school would not allow him to EVER do such a thing.  

He said to her, "Mr. Jim would kill me if I ever touched drugs."

She went on tell me that whatever you are teaching these kids is invaluable.....and that you can't put a price on a child saying NO to drugs.

That student's name was Rory O'Malley; his mother was a local school teacher here in town.

They moved away some years ago.

It's a Fact that EVERY student who trains with us NEVER engages in Drugs or Crime and begins getting Better Grades at School....  

Like, Elizabeth Madden

Who graduated with Not 1, Not 2, but 5 SCHOLARSHIPS to Salem State College😮

I remember when her father came in to speak with me, and said with tears in his eyes.....that our training was a BIG help in raising his daughter.

In fact, he went on to say that when her friends went out to sneak around drinking alcohol....she would stay home and practice her Martial Arts with her brother.

She became a EMT
and now lives in Danbury, CT.

Cape Cod Hyannis Karate Kids
Cape Cod Hyannis Karate Kids

Science confirms 

Martial Arts makes Kids Smarter

This article was originally published in The Conversation May 14, 2018

"Martial Arts fighters punch so hard due to tiny differences in their brain structure rather than physical strength, a study has found.

Scientists found that Karate black belts generated more force than fit, untrained people, with timing a major factor.

Other studies have also found that children who practice Karate achieve better maths test scores, and behavior.⬅️👀

It was related to how well wrist and shoulder movements were synchronized - and brain scans reveal differences in the cerebellum and primary motor cortex, both involved in the movement."

Imperial College London found those who had studied Karate the longest had Finely-Tuned Brains!!!
" -
Ashleigh Johnstone PhD,
Researcher in Cognitive Neuroscience

Cape Cod Hyannis Karate Kids

Cape Cod Martial Arts vs Team Sports 

Why Martial Arts is Better than Team Sports for Your Child!!👦

In team sports, there is often a steep learning curve when a child is new to the sport. This can mean a lot of time sitting on the bench instead of playing.

This can lead the child to getting bored or discouraged, and quit.

And their self-confidence can take a beating in the process.

In martial arts there is NO BENCH. Your child works and progresses at their individual level, and nobody ever has to "sit out."

The flip side of the coin is, what happens when children are really good a team sport???

They play it and love it, and then they graduate school and what happens???  

Unless thet go Pro, they have just lost the sport they loved.

Martial is something your child can continue to practice for a Lifetime Sports are also seasonal.

When the snow melts, there is no more skiing.

When soccer/football ends, it's over for the year.

Martial Arts???

The season NEVER ends. It's always there, year-round.

And, if your child does play sports....we can guarantee you the training they will receive with us will enhance their performance. 

Your child will learn PERSEVERANCE👈

And be the BEST VERSION of themselves possible
Check out above video to see how we do this ⬆️

We Bully-Proof Your Child & Teach Them Self-Defense Skill That Could... SAVE THEIR LIFE

We wish this wasn't a factor, but the chances of having to defend oneself in life are almost a certainty.

That's why we teach Real Life Self-Defense Methods to increase their safety.

Some Martial arts schools have lots of weapons training in their curriculum.

Though this is a Martial art, it does little to prepare your child to protect themselves.

After all, they will not have any of these weapons on them when they have to defend themselves.

So instead, we teach THEM to be the weapon.

And just like learning how to swim or ride a bike, these Skills will stay with them for the rest of their Life!!!

You will have Peace of Mind knowing that your child can defend themselves, or get away from any attack

Cape Cod Hyannis Karate Kids

In fact, within six months of training, no one will be able to put their Hands on Your Child
our Blocking Drills are just that Good!!!

At Jim Brassard's Martial Arts in Hyannis, students learn the 11 hands of the Buddha.

A blocking drill that once mastered make it impossible for anyone to put their hands on your child

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States -- that's roughly 2,000 per day.

Wouldn't it be hard for a child to go missing if NO ONE can put their hands on them??? 

Cape Cod Hyannis Karate Kids

Mother is now urging parents to look into getting their children self-defense lessons.

"My daughter is ok but very shook up. Please, please parents make sure your kids know how to defend themselves. It's so, so important because that is what saved her"

A 17-year-old Irish teenager was able to call on her karate skills to fend off a would-be attacker who followed and tried to grab her on Tuesday afternoon.

Kate Mulhern, who is a brown belt in kempo karate, was walking her new puppy not far from her home in Navan, Co Meath when the frightening incident occurred.

“She knew something wasn't quite right so she texted her friend to say that she thought a man was following her,” her mom Hazel told The Irish Sun."

She had turned into the estate near our home when the man overtook her and then turned back to try and grab her.

"The man grabbed her arm"

Kate saw another man in a car parked nearby. The pup started growling and barking and whatever way the man grabbed her arm, Kate saw an opening and thankfully remembered her Kempo training. (This is the same martial art your child will get our school)

She kicked him hard in the ribs and he fell back against the car, before getting into it and speeding off.

She said both men looked to be in their 40s with the attacker wearing a black hat and navy zip-up fleece. She said the car was an old black saloon.

Young Kate, who represented Ireland twice last year as well as competing in the World Championships in Tenerife in 2017, was naturally shaken but unharmed after the incident.

"Make sure your kids can defend themselves"

Her mother is now urging parents to look into getting their children self-defense lessons.

"My daughter is ok but very shook up. Please, please parents make sure your kids know how to defend themselves.

It's so, so important because that is what saved her.

She has competed at world level but it's a different story when you are placed in danger and panic sets in.

Thankfully, she kept a cool head and all her training literally kicked into place!!"

Cape Cod Martial Arts SAVES KIDS LIVES➡️

Child in Belmont MA defends himself from a kidnapping with Martial Arts Trainning

What Parents say about Jim Brassard's Cape Cod Karate Kids

Click on photo to enlarge and read

"We truly believe that his involvement in karate has aided us in raising our son to make good choices that will ultimately pave the way for a successful future." 

Arthur and Tara Ramos

"Mr. Jim's behavior lessons have done wonders for my son.

He shows MUCH more respect for me.

I highly recomend his class to ALL parents."

Lindsey Gurka

Cape Cod's Best Martial Arts Instruction 2020 in Hyannis🥇🥇🥇

 Cape Cod Hyannis Martial Arts for Kids

Activities and Sports

This was written by a concerned parent at a North Dakota Martial Arts School to ALL other parents

Hockey, Baseball, Soccer, Gymnastics, and Girl/Boy Scouts etc.

Are all great hobby’s and pass time activities and I let my kids choose whatever activities they want.

I categorize swimming lessons differently; swimming is a life skill and non-negotiable in my house.

Sooner or later my children will be exposed to water, (be it a pool, lake, river or ocean) and not having basic swimming skills and confidence around the water will hold them back and could be potentially fatal.

They don’t need to be Olympic swimmers but they need enough basic skills to tread water and survive but ideally are competent enough that they don’t have to be nervous or fearful around water.

Now apply that same filter to the martial arts.

It’s a great sport, with all the benefits of traditional sports, but it also teaches self-defense which is an essential life skill.

In your child’s lifetime, they will almost certainly face the threat of physical violence (often unavoidably and through no fault of their own). 

When you are attacked, just like in the water, it doesn’t matter how hard you try, without proper training and technique you will panic, thrash & most likely drown.   

We put our kids in swimming lessons to prepare them, so they can be in the water without fear and tread water if they get in over their heads.

The day your child gets confronted by a bully OR predator ask yourself; have you given them the tools & confidence to stay calm, protect themselves and survive or have they been thrown in the deep end to fend for themselves?

Martial Arts is a MANDATORY LIFE SKILL!!!

CHANGE MY MIND!!! 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦

Martial Arts
 A Mandatory Life Skill for Kids

Ask Yourself: Have you given them the tools & confidence to protect themselves against a Bully or Predator???

👈👈👈You won't believe what a parent wrote about Self Defense for their child

Cape Cod Hyannis Karate Kids

Are You Ready to Give Your Child a Lifetime of Security, and the Tools to Achieve ANY Goal???

If so, then are two requirements to participate in GM Brassard's Martial Arts Classes...

1st, Our classes are year-round.All participants must train with us 12 months of the year(Not including vacations and holidays or any medical reasons).

We would not be able to give you ANY of the results promised otherwise....as well as they can never achieve Black Belt.

2nd, We are a Black Belt School. They and you must be committed to achieving a Black Belt. This will take some time, but is priceless when it is achieved....AND...  

"A Black Belt is Not what they Earn, Not what they Wear, it's what they BECOME!!!"

The reasons for these requirements are because GM Brassard only teaches a couple days a week to the public, so is looking for Parents that want the benefits of his training and the commitment to achieve them....AND Class Space is VERY Limited. 

NEXT: We start with a Trial Month for ONLY $135 for two classes a week. (Note: They must come to two classes a week for the program to be effective)   

We do this trial month to make sure the student is ready for our program.

They have to be able to remember self defense patterns that we teach them, as well as rules of behavior and it takes about eight lessons to reveal this

Classes are held at 141 Bassett Lane Hyannis Ma...Home of the Kennedy Memorial Skating Rink 

For ages 5 and up, and are at 5:30-6:30 PM Tuesday and Thursday.

IF they complete the trial period and are approved to become a student of Grandmaster Brassard, then they will get their Karate suit and membership fees are payed every four months for $499

This fee will include ALL Testing Fees.

➡️ Most schools charge up to $100 - $400 to be tested, which can be every 2-3 months.

When your child gets promoted to the next rank, there will be no charge.

Cape Cod Hyannis Karate Kids

Here's What To Do Next..

From here it's just finalizing the details. Give us a call to make sure we have an opening.

If so, then you can click on the button below to enroll, or pay at the school.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and we look forward to working with you and your child.

CALL NOW (508)-771-0111☎️
or text or call
(508)-364-5960 ☎️

1 Trial Month Payment

1 Trial Month Payment

We start with a Trial Month for ONLY $135 for two classes a week.

(Note: They must come to two classes a week for the program to be effective)

We do this trial month to make sure the student is ready for our program. 

They have to be able to remember self defense patterns that we teach them, as well as Rules of Behavior and it takes about eight lessons to reveal this


 1 Month Trail for 2 Kids

2 Kids in the same family


4 Month Month Payment

4 Month Month Payment

Tuition covers lessons for 4 months and ALL test fees


4 Month Month Payment for 2 Kids

Tuition for 2 kids in the same family
