GM Jim Brassard's Hyannis Cape Cod Karate for Adults

Master an Ancient Martial Arts System of Shaolin American Kempo Karate, Kung-Fu & Jiu-Jitsu

How would you like to...

๐Ÿ‘‰Increase Strength, Energy, Flexibility and Endurance all at the SAME TIME!!

๐Ÿ‘‰Develop an Olympic Body

๐Ÿ‘‰The ability to protect you & your loved ones

๐Ÿ‘‰Turn back the clock and look younger

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense
Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

The Ancient Chinese Masters discovered that by moving like the animals they could

TRIPLE their strength and health,

AND develop a way of defending themselves...

๐Ÿ‘‰the likes of which have never been seen before by man.

 "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Einstein

Cape Cod's Best Martial Arts School in Hyannis๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

We are living in a dangerous times

Crime is on the rise, home invasions are commonplace, and our streets are increasingly scary.

Why not empower yourself with a "Battle Tested" system to protect your family, and get in amazing shape at the same time.

Presidentially Awarded Grandmaster Jim Brassard's Martial Arts programs will do just that.

Adults all over the world are learning the 2000 year old secrets to instantly disable any attacker, regardless of size, training, cunning or tactics.

And how would you like to get "High School" Skinny once again???

Bored with the "Gym" and want to get in great shape while learning to defend yourself and your family in any possible situation??

Then our classes are the answer...

When It Comes To Protecting Yourself...You Are All ALONE!!

Police cannot protect and are not legally liable for failing to protect individual citizens.

"Warren v. District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Dept.,444 A.2d 1(D.C. App. 1981), the courts stated: Courts have without exception concluded that when a municipality or other governmental entity undertakes to furnish police services, it assumes a duty only to the public at large and not to individual members of the community"

A former Attorney General told Florida legislators that police responded to only 200,000 of 700,000 calls for help to Dade County authorities.

Back in 1999 there were 168,881 crimes of violence for which police had not responded within 1 hour.

Can you imagine what the numbers are today???


- One rape or sexual assault occurs every 2 minutes

- One violent crime occurs every 5 seconds in the U.S.

- One murder occurs every 34 minutes.

So that is why...

Jim Brassard's Martial Arts & Combat Conditioning Program is one of the Best in the world!!!

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

Cape Cod Martial Arts Instructor Receives Highest Honors๐ŸŽ—๏ธ๐ŸŽ—๏ธ๐ŸŽ—๏ธ

Given a Presidential Award 

Jim Brassard recieves a Sports Comendation for the Martial Arts signed by Barack Obama in 2016

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

Here are the benefits you get when training with us

1. You'll Increase Strength, Energy, Power, Flexibility and Endurance all at the SAME TIME!!

GM Brassard's unique teachings of the martial arts combined with ancient combat exercises will accomplish this faster than you think

2. You'll burn off fat and can eat more than normal and still look good.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸฟEvery pound of muscle eats up to 10-100 calories a day to maintain itself. So adding some muscle is the REAL secret to weight loss

3. You'll pack FUNCTIONAL muscle faster than you think.

You will see results within 6 weeks

4. You can get a killer workout in just 2 classes a week.

If done right....Less is more

5. You'll turn back this clock and look younger. And most importantly....

๐Ÿ‘ŠTo Protect Yourself and Your Loved ones if the time ever comes!!!

Our system is based on Logic, Fighting Principles & Physics

So you can be assured that what you will learn is effective and can save your life!!

You will learn the ONLY 4 ways of Fighting Known to Man.

๐Ÿ‘‰1- Striking Arts
striking - open or closed hand or use of any part of the arms, elbows, forearms, etc.

๐Ÿ‘‰2 -Kicking Arts
Using the legs to defend and attack with.

๐Ÿ‘‰3 - Grappling Arts
Wrestling, holding, breaking, locking bones or joints against pressure points

๐Ÿ‘‰4 - Felling Arts
That is to knock an opponent off his feet by throwing, tripping, pulling, pushing, shoving, or scooping him

We teach you Real Life Self-Defense Methods to increase you and your Family's Safety

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

Some Martial arts schools have lots of weapons training in their curriculum

Though this is a Martial art, it does little to prepare you to defend yourself in REAL Life.

After all, you will NOT have any of these weapons on you when the attack comes.

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

Did you know that "Rule 21" is taught to Police?

It states that it's late for an officer to retrieve their firearm if the assailant is within 21 FEET๐Ÿ˜ฎ

The attacker can get to them and attack before they can make use of their gun.

Source, Officer Brian Morrison

Meet your instructor

Cape Cod Martial Artist
Among The Greatest

๐Ÿ‘ˆVideo Article in Cape Cod Times

In 2018 Grandmaster Jim Brassard was listed in the book "The Sensational 600" as one of The Worlds Greatest Martial Artist

What other Masters Say

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense
Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

We Teach Fitness Exercises not Found Anywhere on Cape Cod

As well as defending yourself, you'll learn the REAL Secret to our teachings

In the Jungle there are Prey, and Then there are Predators.

The prey do not bother the predators.....and predators don't bother each other, unless for food or mating rites.

When we praise a person's physical abilities, we often compare them to an animal - we say he's as strong as a bull, free as a bird or runs like a cheetah.

An animal uses all of its motion to accomplish its goal.

They do what works.

And among students, the best are the ones who are most like animals.

The Ancient Chinese Masters discovered that by moving like the animals, they could triple their strength and health, as well as develop a way of defending themselves the likes of which have never been seen before by man.

The movements of Self Defense & Exercise you will learn are based on the Five Shaolin Kung-Fu Animals.......

The Snake๐Ÿ, Tiger๐Ÿ…, Dragon๐Ÿ‰, Leopard๐Ÿ† and Crane๐Ÿฆฉ

And this training has worked for over 2,000 years!!!  

The secret to our fitness program is also found in Nature. As you just learned, we study and mimic the animals of the wild.

The Ancient Chinese Masters discovered that by imitating the way they move, they could develop Super-Human strength and endurance, as well as developing a way of defending themselves.

The animals are the strongest, healthiest creatures on Earth

Did you know that the Strongest Animals in the Jungle is MOSTLY related to us???

A chimpanzee, pound for pound, has as much as twice the strength of a human when it came to pulling weights.

The average gorilla is approximately 10 times as strong.

If humans had the same pound-for-pound strength as gorillas, we would be able to lift 1,800 lbs.  

And did you know we share 98% of the same DNA as these creatures???๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

Bruce Lee and Ali

Martial Arts Icon Bruce lee incorporated these exercises into his training which led to his Super-Human abilities.

Some examples are, he had the punching power of 350 pounds.

The boxing champion Muhammad Ali could also hit the same amount of pounds, but Lee was just 130 pounds in weight, while Ali 260 pounds.๐Ÿ˜ฎ

He could do ONE ARM push ups with ONLY TWO FINGERS, as well as ONE arm pull ups!!!

So you can be sure that these exercises will build more Strength than any other activity known on the planet.

GM Brassard & GM Ji Han Jae

Receiving Awards at the Action Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2010 in NJ

Jim Brassard receives Honors with Bruce Lee opponent from the movie Game of Death

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

Bruce Lee & Ji Han Jae in
"Game of Death"

While developing an Olympic Body, you'll also be learning

Strategic Targeting Secrets - How to Strike Targets at the right angle as to Multiply the Effect 

If you learn this, ONE strike can end the fight

How to deal effectively with the most common attacks

Such as pushes, punches and grabs

Pressure/Pain Points that can Drop an attacker with just ONE STRIKE!!!

As an example, Punch yourself HARD in the bicep. How does it feel??? 

Defenses against chokes, locks and holds

And just as important, how to avoid them

Defenses against weapons on the street

Knifes, Clubs and even Guns

The 11 Hands of the Buddha

A System of blocking which will literally make you Invincible to ALL Punching and Kicking Attacks.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸฟOnce will be Impossible for anyone to ever touch you AGAIN!!!

Master Pat Lawson
5th Degree Black Belt

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense
Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

Are You Ready to Give Yourself a Life of Health & Security??

If so, then are TWO requirements to participate in GM Brassard's Martial Arts Classes....


We are a Black Belt School. You should be committed to achieving a Black Belt (AND quitting is NOT an option)

This will take some time, but is priceless when it is achieved, AND...

A Black Belt is Not what you Earn, Not what you Wear, it's what YOU BECOME!!!


Our classes are year-round. All participants train with us 12 months of the year(Not including vacations and holidays or any medical reasons).

We would not be able to give you ANY of the results promised well as you can never achieve Black Belt.

The reasons for these requirements are because GM Brassard only teaches a couple days a week to the public, so is looking for Students that want the benefits of his training and the commitment to achieve Black Belt and beyond....AND Class Space is VERY Limited. 

NEXT: We start with a Trial Month for ONLY $135 for two classes a week.

Note: You must come to two classes a week for the program to be effective We do this trial month to make sure you are ready for our program, and to see if this is for you.

Classes are held at 141 Bassett Lane Hyannis MA Home of the Kennedy Memorial Skating Rink

For Adults & Teen classes are at 6:30-7:30 PM Tuesday and Thursday.

If you complete the trial period and are approved to become a student of Grandmaster Brassard, then you will get your Karate suit and membership fees are payed every four months for $499.

This fee will include ALL Testing Fees. Most schools charge up to $100 to be tested, which can be every 2-3 months.

When your get promoted to the next rank, there will be no charge.

AND as an added bonus with your membership, you AND your family are entitled to the use of the facility.

It has pool tables, Ping-Pong tables, a running track, TWO skating rinks and a basketball court....not to mention a food court as well.

Feel free to come in early and hit some hoops or use the running track to warm up before class, or just sit and have a coffee in the food court.

Hyannis Cape Cod Karate Martial arts for Adults self defense

Here's What To Do Next...

From here it's just finalizing the details. Give us a call to make sure we have an opening.

If so, then you can click on the button below to enroll, or pay at the school.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and we look forward to working with you.

or Text or Call
(508)-364-5960 ๐Ÿ“ณ

Payments can be made here

PayPal takes Credit Cards as well

One Month Trial Payment

A Trial Month for ONLY $135 for two classes a week.


Four Month Tuition Payment

Tuition covers lessons for 4 months and ALL test fees 
